Volunteer with Our Cancer Support Organization
Join Us in Our Fight to Raise Non-Toxic Treatment Awareness
Everyone at SoLive is committed to the fight to educate cancer patients on alternative, non-toxic treatment options. But we can’t do it alone. Without the help of our volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to pursue our mission to promote general health and wellness.

If you’re interested in joining our mission, here are a few ways you can get involved:
- Join one of our event planning committees
- Volunteer as a SoLive Helper at our next fundraising event
- Share your creative fundraising ideas
- Utilize your grant writing skills
- Promote us on your social media accounts
- Tell your friends, family, and co-workers about our cause
Together, We Are Unstoppable
As a non-profit organization, we rely so heavily on the generosity and giving spirit of our volunteers. Cancer doesn’t discriminate and almost everyone will know someone with cancer at one point in their lives. When we come together and combine our various skill sets, positive spirits, and dedication to an important cause, we can, we will—we do—accomplish so much. We thank you for your interest in SoLive and are excited to hear from you!

SoLive in The Moment